Become a Volunteer

As a volunteer at De Studerendes Erhvervskontakt, you will gain firsthand experience in project management, graphic design, sales techniques, IT development, online marketing, event planning, and finance. At the same time, you become part of a strong team of students from various fields of study at different stages of their educational journey.

You also have the opportunity to become a fair assistant if you’d like to help at the DSE fair or get a taste of what it’s like to be part of DSE. You can read more about it here:

  • PR

    Gain experience in online marketing and event planning.

  • Design

    Become a pro with the Adobe suite and nurture your creative side.

  • Sales

    Learn about sales techniques and customer relations in a professional context.​

  • Finance

    Learn about and work with managing finances on a business scale.

  • IT

    Update and maintain internal software and hardware solutions.

Why should you become part of DSE?

Expand your skills and strengthen your CV

As a volunteer at DSE, you can gain a range of different skills. We are all volunteers, and it takes a huge amount of work to keep an organization like DSE running, which is why it gives you valuable skills to take with you.

Expand your network

DSE is open to students from many different fields of study, with diverse backgrounds and skills. Therefore, it’s an excellent place to expand your network.

Facilities and internal events

As a volunteer at DSE, you get access to our office and the opportunity to use all the facilities it offers. Additionally, DSE organizes a number of internal social events that strengthen the sense of community within the organization.


  • It is up to the individual how much time they spend as a volunteer at DSE, as long as they meet some basic activity requirements.

    This includes being part of 2 committees and actively participating in their meetings.
    Hvis du vil høre mere er du velkommen til at kontakte os på sociale medier eller vores mail [email protected]

  • You get to choose the tasks you have at DSE, but they will primarily reflect the committees you choose to be a part of.

    For example, if you choose to join the Sales Committee, your tasks will primarily be related to selling our products to external companies. Similarly, if you join the Social Committee, your tasks will be related to organizing social activities.

  • After you have submitted an application to become a part of DSE, you will hear from us about the next steps in the process.

    Normally, you will be assigned one or more mentors who will help you and other new members get started. This process typically begins with an introduction evening where new members receive a brief overview of DSE and get to know each other better.

    If you would like to know more, feel free to contact us on social media or via email at [email protected].